关于常驻代表机构的说明 外国企业常驻代表机构是指外国、港、澳、台地区企业和其他经济组织包括民间团体及外国律师事务所依据《中华人民共和国国务院关于管理外国企业常驻代表机构的暂行规定》在国内设立的为总公司进行市场调研、业务联系和投资咨询的代表处。 在办理过程中您需要注意以下事项: 1、 常驻代表机构不能直接从事经营活动和其他有偿性质的中介服务。不具备法人资格。 2、 常驻代表机构雇用的中国员工,并须按照国家有关规定通过安徽省外国企业服务有限公司办理员工雇用手续并为员工缴纳各项社会保险。 3、 在常驻代表机构工作的外国人员必须办理合法的居留手续和签证手续。 4、 申请常驻代表机构设立过程中的各项申报材料的原件和副本必须真实有效。 5、 必须在审批机关批准,登记机关核准的业务范围和区域内开展业务活动,派出企业要对所设立的常驻代表机构开展业务过程中的债务或其他法律责任负连带责任。 Notes on the Establishment of Permanent Delegate Organization Here the permanent delegate organization refers to the representative institution built in Mainland China by enterprises or other economic organizations from foreign countries, or from Hong Kong, Tai Wan and Macao, including non-official organizations and overseas law offices. Built according to the “Temporary Regulations On the Establishment of the Permanent Delegate Organizations of Foreign Enterprises” made by the central government, P. R. China, such institutions are responsible for marketing research, business coordination and investment counseling for their headquarters. Officially recognized by the Provincial Government of Anhui, the Anhui Foreign Enterprise Service Co. Ltd. is officially entitled by the Provincial Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation as the host and coordinator for the permanent delegate organizations of foreign enterprises built in Anhui. The corporation is also responsible for providing relative services in establishing the permanent delegates. In the process of building your delegate organizations, please pay attention to the following notes. 1. None of the permanent delegate organizations are permitted to engage in profit-seeking activities or act as other kinds of charged agents. Permanent delegates are not legally recognized as corporations. 2. The permanent delegation organizations must offer employment to Chinese citizens, and the employment procedure must be processed through Anhui Foreign Enterprise Service Co. Ltd. and according to the relevant regulations made by the government. 3. The overseas employees working in the permanent delegate organizations should possess legitimate residence admission and an entry visa. 4. All the documentary materials used in the application of building the permanent delegates must have valid and real original copy. 5. The business of the permanent delegate organizations should be run in the range of permission confirmed by the responsible official organizations and registry office. The headquarters are responsible for the debts and legal obligations arise in the business running of their representatives built in China. 上海天任企业管理有限公司 咨询热线:021-51001929,400-6688-963 联系地址:上海市浦东新区东方路1381号兰村大厦25楼EF座 本站关键词:注册公司 上海注册公司 代理记账 上海公司注册 如何注册公司 |